32 research outputs found

    Lexical Opposition in Discourse Contrast

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    We investigate the connection between lexical opposition and discourse relations, with a focus on the relation of contrast, in order to evaluate whether opposition participates in discourse relations. Through a corpus-based analysis of Italian documents, we show that the relation between opposition and contrast is not crucial, although not insignificant in the case of implicit relation. The correlation is even weaker when other discourse relations are taken into account.Studiamo la connessione tra l’opposizione lessicale e le relazioni del discorso, con attenzione alla relazione di contrasto, per verificare se l’opposizione partecipa alle relazioni del discorso. Attraverso un’analisi basata su un corpus di documenti in italiano, mostriamo che la relazione tra opposizione e contrasto non è cruciale, anche se non priva di importanza soprattutto per i casi di contrasto implicito. La correlazione sembra più debole se consideriamo le altre relazioni del discorso

    Lexical Opposition in Discourse Contrast

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    We investigate the connection between lexical opposition and discourse relations, with a focus on the relation of contrast, in order to evaluate whether opposition participates in discourse relations. Through a corpus-based analysis of Italian documents, we show that the relation between opposition and contrast is not crucial, although not insignificant in the case of implicit relation. The correlation is even weaker when other discourse relations are taken into account.Studiamo la connessione tra l’opposizione lessicale e le relazioni del discorso, con attenzione alla relazione di contrasto, per verificare se l’opposizione partecipa alle relazioni del discorso. Attraverso un’analisi basata su un corpus di documenti in italiano, mostriamo che la relazione tra opposizione e contrasto non è cruciale, anche se non priva di importanza soprattutto per i casi di contrasto implicito. La correlazione sembra più debole se consideriamo le altre relazioni del discorso

    opposition relations among verb frames

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    In this paper we propose a scheme for annotating opposition relations among verb frames in lexical resources. The scheme is tested on the T-PAS resource, an inventory of typed predicate argument structures for Italian, conceived for both linguistic research and computational tasks. After discussing opposition relations from a linguistic point of view and listing the tags we decided to use, we report the results of the experiment we performed to test the annotation scheme, in terms of interannotation agreement and linguistic analysis of annotated data

    Designing a Methodology for Semantic Type Tagging of Argument Positions

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    A verb argument position can be described by the semantic type that characterizes the words filling that position. We investigate a number of linguistic issues underlying the tagging of an Italian corpus with the semantic types provided by the T-PAS (Typed Predicate-Argument Structure) resource. Our main interest is to evaluate whether our annotation methodology can be employed effectively for the extension of the annotation of the corpus associated with the resource. In order to achieve this goal we compare quantitative data about the tagging and qualitative data derived from the Inter-Annotator Agreement

    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges

    T-PAS: costruire una risorsa per l'italiano basata sull'analisi di un corpus

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    Questo contributo presenta alcune caratteristiche della risorsa T-PAS, una raccolta di strutture argomentali per verbi della lingua italiana, acquisite attraverso l'osservazione di un corpus. In particolare, descriviamo la risorsa e il processo di acquisizione delle strutture, evidenziamo le principali caratteristiche della risorsa che derivano dalla metodologia adottata per la sua creazione e infine presentiamo alcuni possibili sviluppi della risorsa

    Contrast-Ita Bank: A corpus for Italian Annotated with Discourse Contrast Relations

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    Presentiamo Contrast-Ita Bank, un corpus annotato con relazioni di contrasto in italiano. Abbiamo annotato sia relazioni esplicite che implicite, adottando lo schema proposto nel Penn Discourse Treebank. Portiamo e discutiamo dati quantitativi sulla nuova risorsa.We present Contrast-Ita Bank, a corpus annotated with discourse contrast relations in Italian. We annotate both explicit and implicit contrast relations, following the schema proposed in the Penn Discourse Treebank. We provide and discuss quantitative data about the new resource

    Evaluating a rule based strategy to map IMAGACT and T-PAS

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    This paper presents the analysis of a mapping between two resources, IMAGACT and T-PAS, made through a rule-based algorithm which converts argument structures in thematic roles. Results are good in terms of Recall, while Precision values are low: an analysis of the causes is proposed

    Acquiring Opposition Relations among Italian Verb Senses using Crowdsourcing

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    We describe an experiment for the acquisition of opposition relations among Italian verb senses, based on a crowdsourcing methodology. The goal of the experiment is to discuss whether the types of opposition we distinguish (i.e. complementarity, antonymy, converseness and reversiveness) are actually perceived by the crowd. In particular, we collect data for Italian by using the crowdsourcing platform CrowdFlower. We ask annotators to judge the type of opposition existing among pairs of sentences -previously judged as opposite- that differ only for a verb: the verb in the first sentence is opposite of the verb in second sentence. Data corroborate the hypothesis that some opposition relations exclude each other, while others interact, being recognized as compatible by the contributors